Snapshots #17

3:31 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Rain Ain't Stopping Us!! 
I Think I'm Cool 1 

And so it begins 

This pile is going to get bigger 

Hello Little Friend! 

Don't let the shade fool you it was sweltering 

I will not let summer go 

Car Line 

I think I'm cool 2 

Hiya Minnie! 

Overcast at disney 

3..2..1.. Almost Blast Off !!!! 

The reason why I couldn't stand straight for 15 minutes 

That's some grade A pixie Dust 

I think I'm cool 3 

Seeya soon Mickey!! 

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Snapshots #16

12:57 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The theme of the this week is family,I spent a lot of time with family this week and it was wonderful! A lot of these pictures aren't top notch quality, my camera doesn't have auto focus and I have other activities to do with my family.

All the Kiddos 

Fam band selfie 

Artsy Fartsy 

I love parks 

Whatcha Thinking about ?

Peppa Pig has taken over 

Father daughter  watches !! 


Snapshots #15

12:08 PM Unknown 0 Comments

With summer almost at an end I've been trying to squeeze the last drops of summer fun with my friends. This is also the reason why snapshots is a day late. I lived in the moment and with that came a cost: Only three pictures ! So yes school starts next week and I'm desperately trying to get my sleep schedule back to a reasonable time. But I am so excited to see friends I haven't seen all summer and having a routine again! 

Late Night Tunes in a Parking Lot 

Candid at youth group 

The fake candid I asked everyone to pose for 


Snapshots #14

8:06 PM Unknown 0 Comments

So we painted our back patio bright yellow and I've got pictures once again bits and pieces of my week
Munchkin' cheesing for the camera 

And so begins the torture of renting text books 

causally blends into the floor 


Fuzzy Duckling in the can 

No going back now

Fuzzy Duckling on the Walls

This picture just pleases me 

I felt really confident that day


What Lizzy Wore: All the Sunglasses

12:12 AM Unknown 0 Comments

For a person that claims to not like sunglasses...... I HAVE  LOTS OF SUNGLASSES, prepare yourselves for a lot of pretentious posing.
From: Claire's 

From: Ross 

From: Claire's
these are actually heart shaped they are my current favorite

"Ray Bans"

From: Walmart
Got them on a beach trip where I forgot to bring a pair for 5 DOLLARS and thsee give me the best sun protection

From: I swapped glasses with a friend  and we never swapped back

I love experimenting with sunglasses because they are easy to incorporate into your wardrobe, and they can be really inexpensive which is always a good thing.


Snapsohts #13

5:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Rain rain go away come again another day! The rain in central Florida this past week as been ridiculous I've resorted to taking the most random pictures because nothing has been happening but tons and tons and tons of rain. Also shortening the name of these posts to just snapshots because it's less fluff.
My love

Jeans and Heels

Way too excited for this new campaign ... and the new angels! 

Artsy Fartsy

Do I have enough yet?

I missed this little nook

I missed you as well


Late Night Thoughts

11:14 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Sometimes I forget to be grateful about life in general. I get so caught up in what I don't have I don't remember that my life doesn't completely suck. I wanted to make a list to always look back on for when I get caught up in all the negatives

  • I have the basics to survive home, food, and water
  • I have access to the internet 
  • I am getting an education 
  • I'm almost halfway done with college
  • I have friends 
  • I have a car 
  • My friends are awesome 
  • I have a sweet camera
  • I'm learning to use that sweet camera 
  • I have more clothes than a person needs
  • Most of my problems are first world 
  • I'm going to see 5 seconds of summer in September
  • Books 
  • love (family and friends don't get too excited) 
  •   Books 
  • I live somewhere that has beautiful places to take pictures 
  • 5sos 
  • youtube
  • have I mentioned books and 5sos? 
So yeah there are a few things that I am so so so so so so grateful for every single day and usually take for granted.