About Me
Hello there!I'm Elisabeth, nice to see you found your way onto this page!
A few nights ago I took a personality test (bare with me here) it turned out describing me pretty accurately. For those asking it was the Meyers-Briggs, and I am INFP. Why the hell does it matter right? Reading up a little more about it, I was kinda surprised to see that expressing myself through writing was one of my biggest strengths. It was surprising because I do love writing but it was a hobby I did in class so it looked like I was being productive, still use it today.
Here's the thing: I don't always want to write for myself, I also want something new. So you've stumbled onto my little corner of the internet! Enjoy this little F.A.Q
So what's on here?
Ummm, I've decided that I want to make this a lifestyle blog, because I want to not limit myself to one specific topic (Ironic I know). Others can do it and I celebrate that they can, but it's not for me.
Is there a schedule going on here or...?
So this is what I want to start out with
Mondays: What Elisabeth did- Pictures of my week
Wednesday: Something style related
Friday: The goal here is to post SOMETHING anything
I want to get up to 5 posts a day but right now 3 is great!